Wellcome Guest


Price: $234

Cabinet Office: Special Secret Information Centre: Files F/Yugoslavia Situation in Yugoslavia; 1941: Feb - Apr; Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc aliquam pharetra odio, rutrum molestie libero luctus fermentum. Donec ultrices enim nec tincidunt elementum. Suspendisse dictum vehicula eros, ut sodales lectus mattis sodales. Sed id nulla nec dui faucibus pretium. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Integer maximus lacus vitae aliquam aliquam. Donec malesuada erat id vehicula accumsan. Nunc dapibus lectus dolor, nec vulputate nibh rutrum sit amet. Vestibulum consectetur ex scelerisque mauris ultricies tristique. Donec laoreet sapien malesuada ex ullamcorper finibus. Maecenas condimentum sollicitudin tellus, vel faucibus massa pellentesque sed. Aenean eget massa lectus. Fusce dapibus tincidunt lectus et tristique. Duis luctus, ex ac cursus tincidunt, sapien ipsum molestie sem, a imperdiet ...


Price: $104

CAB 121 - Cabinet Office: Special Secret Information Centre: Files/F/3/Yugoslavia; Assistance to Partisan forces in Yugoslavia; 1941 Oct - 1943 Oct; Cras pellentesque eros eget felis elementum cursus. Sed molestie, elit id convallis faucibus, justo turpis gravida nisl, non molestie massa lorem in ligula. Donec ut quam sit amet ex iaculis auctor. Maecenas sit amet erat porta, molestie magna id, fringilla mauris. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Duis rutrum vitae sem vel venenatis. Nam neque eros, viverra ut congue sit amet, elementum vel lectus. Donec sagittis mattis turpis, a vestibulum nibh dictum id. Nam tincidunt neque in diam rhoncus iaculis. Morbi ullamcorper cursus lacinia. Aliquam eu suscipit orci. Mauris non dui elit. Curabitur sit amet ante suscipit, gravida mauris eget, dapibus nibh. Aenean arcu eros, cursus eu fringilla vitae, pulvinar et urna. Donec vel laoreet enim. Nunc i...


Price: $199

Cabinet Office: Special Secret Information Centre: Files/F/4/Yugoslavia; Yugoslavia; 1941 May - 1946 Nov; In aliquam commodo sagittis. In lobortis, nisl ac vestibulum molestie, augue odio scelerisque nunc, ut iaculis lorem arcu id augue. Proin euismod nisi vitae tellus fermentum, id malesuada turpis sagittis. Quisque aliquam tempor ligula sit amet elementum. Nulla varius dictum magna, in finibus urna luctus et. Curabitur ultricies semper tempor. In sed scelerisque nulla. Nunc imperdiet urna id orci vulputate sagittis. Maecenas vel lorem elementum elit pellentesque semper. Sed elementum magna in odio posuere, fringilla posuere nisi rutrum. Nullam id imperdiet orci. Pellentesque quis molestie purus. Fusce dapibus, tortor vitae volutpat ullamcorper, justo urna vehicula massa, non suscipit magna risus et ex. Maecenas aliquet egestas massa, sit amet laoreet quam malesuada eu. In feugiat facilisis turpis, eu vulputate libero molestie eu. Sed ac ...


Price: $178

Cabinet Office: Minister of Defence Secretariat: Records/412/55/3 Vol I Yugoslavia: partisan movements and operations; 1941 Aug-1944 Apr; Praesent lacus tellus, ornare et ullamcorper et, vestibulum vitae mauris. Nunc gravida ligula est, vitae fermentum odio gravida tincidunt. Nunc sed ex at nisl fermentum faucibus. Sed magna eros, ornare at ultrices a, cursus in est. Pellentesque sagittis tellus metus, eu cursus est venenatis eget. Quisque sit amet condimentum lacus, sed cursus diam. Praesent non convallis nibh. Maecenas placerat molestie metus, eget faucibus urna convallis ut. Vestibulum rhoncus ipsum vitae enim pretium, ut malesuada nisl commodo. Vestibulum non vulputate purus, vitae cursus nisl. Donec at porta lectus. Pellentesque tellus dui, elementum et nibh a, sodales cursus odio. Nunc nibh massa, posuere et augue et, finibus mollis felis. Vestibulum vel finibus tortor. Aliquam maximus odio ut ex dapibus, nec rutrum dolor posuere. Qu...


Price: $781

'C', Chief of the Secret Intelligence Service (SIS): Miscellaneous Correspondence, Including Allied Cyphers; Axis Activities in Turkey and Scandinavia; Y (Signals Intelligence) Board; Information and Reports of Actions From Various Sources; Secret Funding Reference FO 1093/261 Document Date 12 December 1942 - 16 December 1943 Conflicts Second World War Themes Intelligence Organisation and Administration, Intelligence Gathering and Surveillance, Intelligence Operations Regions Africa, Atlantic, East Asia, Europe, Latin America, Mediterranean, Middle East, North America, Pacific Countries Albania, Angola, Argentina, Australia, Azores, Bosnia, Bulgaria, Cape Verde, China, Croatia, Denmark, Egypt, England, Finland, France, French West Africa, Germany, Greece, Guinea, Holland, Hungary, Italy, Japan, Liberia, Mozambique, Netherlands, Panama, Poland, Portugal, Portuguese Guinea, Romania, Russia, Sardinia, Scotland, Sicily, Slovenia, Spain, Swede...


Price: $336

Document Title Yugoslavia: General Reference FO 1093/273 Document Date 27 August 1943 - 22 November 1943 Conflicts Second World War Themes Military Intelligence and Operations, Foreign Policy and International Relations Regions Europe Countries Bosnia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Herzegovina, Montenegro, Serbia, Yugoslavia Document Type Reports, Memoranda Organisations Foreign Office, Permanent Under-Secretary's Department People Alexander Cadogan, Peter Loxley, Patrick Reilly Keywords Yugoslav armed forces, political intelligence, military intelligence, partisans, German intelligence services, intelligence reports, collaborators, Nazi sympathisers...


Price: $116

Document Title Government Code and Cypher School: Signals Intelligence Passed to the Prime Minister, Messages and Correspondence Reference HW 1/1474 Document Date 17 March 1943 Conflicts Second World War Themes Military Intelligence and Operations Regions Europe Countries Yugoslavia Document Type Signals Intelligence, Correspondence Organisations Comando Supremo, Government Code and Cypher School People Orme Sargent Description A file of signals intelligence reports, messages, and correspondence issued by the Government Code and Cypher School and sent by the head ('C') of the Secret Intelligence Service (MI6) to the Prime Minister, Winston Churchill. This file includes the following reports on Yugoslavia: a minute from C to the Prime Minister (PM) concerning a request from the PM to Sir O Sargent to discuss with him a recent Japanese Foreign Office telegram about Mihajlovic; C attaches a summary of all recent sigint reports on the ...


Price: $89

Document Title Government Code and Cypher School: Signals Intelligence Passed to the Prime Minister, Messages and Correspondence Reference HW 1/1845 Document Date 17 July 1943 Conflicts Second World War Themes Military Intelligence and Operations Regions Europe Countries Serbia, Yugoslavia Document Type Signals Intelligence Organisations Geheime Staatspolizei, Security Service, Government Code and Cypher School People Not Defined Description A file of signals intelligence reports, messages, and correspondence issued by the Government Code and Cypher School and sent by the head ('C') of the Secret Intelligence Service (MI6) to the Prime Minister, Winston Churchill. This file contains a message from C to Mr Loxley; the Prime Minister's (PM's) query on Neditch of Yugoslavia; Eden's reply, on July 23; and a message from the Yugoslav consul-general in Istanbul to the Yugoslav Ministry of Foreign Affairs in London, on the Yugoslav king's m...


Price: $778

Government Code and Cypher School: Decrypts of Communist International (COMINTERN) Messages; oviet Comintern messages: Service 39: Moscow to and from Tito's HQ, Yugoslavia, 08/12/1943-25/07/1944. Moscow, callsigns FGL, OFN, DRW; message serial numbers rising to 100 and re-starting at 1, suggest a lot of messages not intercepted. Tito HQ, callsigns POS and PRB; Servicemment on message serial numbers. Service 39A, Moscow to and from Yugoslavia, 21/04/1942-05/12/1943. Moscow, callsigns BOS and FGL; message serial numbers suggest many messages not intercepted. Yugoslavia, callsigns POS, PKS and PRB; few messages. Note: Services 39 and 39A were on the same communications link with separate ciphers (39Aand 39B) for presumably different correspondents; 1942 Apr 21-1944 July 25; SERVICES 39 AND 39A....


Price: $588

Government Code and Cypher School: Security of Allied Cyphers Section: Security Files on Allied World War II Communications; Subseries within HW 40 - Mihailovic; Description: Mainly decrypts of German messages. See "German Reading of Cyphers Used By Mihailovic", 10 August 1943. Date: 1943 Jan 15-1945 Jan 08 Former reference in its original department: 22 A YUGOSLAVIA (MIHAILOVIC) Phasellus enim erat, vestibulum vel, aliquam a, posuere eu, velit. Fusce tellus odio, dapibus id fermentum quis, suscipit id erat. Pellentesque ipsum. Nullam eget nisl. Fusce consectetuer risus a nunc. Nullam justo enim, consectetuer nec, ullamcorper ac, vestibulum in, elit. Proin mattis lacinia justo. In sem justo, commodo ut, suscipit at, pharetra vitae, orci. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Nullam at arcu a est sollicitudin euismod. Aenean vel massa quis mauris vehicula lacinia. Suspendisse sagitti...


Price: $200

HW 40 - Government Code and Cypher School: Security of Allied Cyphers Section: Security Files on Allied World War II Communications; Description: Foreign Office telegrams relating to communications used by General MIHAILOVIC Date: 1943 Oct 23 - 1944 Sep 07 Related material: Many of these telegrams were released at an earlier date in FO 371 Held by: The National Archives, Kew Legal status: Public Record(s) Closure status: Open Document, Open Description Access conditions: Retained Until 2003 Record opening date: 21 August 2003 Keywords finances, British intelligence organisation, training, special operations, intelligence gathering, propaganda, communications, economic warfare...


Price: $144

File Title War Cabinet Joint Intelligence Sub-Committee Memoranda. November - December 1942. Papers Numbers. JIC 461-525. Volume XXII Reference CAB 81/112 Date 1 November 1942 - 31 December 1942; Description A volume of reports commissioned for the Joint Intelligence Sub-Committee (JIC). The JIC was formed of representatives from the intelligence services, the armed services, and the Foreign Office. Its purpose was to assess military, security, and foreign policy requirements and coordinate Britain’s intelligence organisations accordingly. A vast range of international and domestic issues are investigated and analysed in the JIC’s reports. Subjects covered in this file include German strategy, military organisation, and manpower; defects and problems with security for the Dieppe Raid and Operation Torch; chemical warfare; German, French, and Italian morale; German oil production and shortage problems; the possibility of a Germ...


Price: $225

File Title War Cabinet. Joint Intelligence Sub-Committee. Meetings. January - December 1943. Numbers 1-65. Volume V Reference CAB 81/91 Date 1943 Government Department Cabinet Office Description A volume of meeting minutes of the Joint Intelligence Sub-Committee (JIC). The JIC was formed of representatives from the intelligence services, the armed services, and the Foreign Office. Its purpose was to assess military, security, and foreign policy requirements and coordinate Britain’s intelligence organisations accordingly. The JIC members discussed a vast range of international and domestic issues in their meetings. In this file, subjects documented include the organisation of the British intelligence services; allied cooperation; communications security, censorship, and the leakage of information; reports on the Dieppe Raid (Operation Jubilee); security arrangements for Operation Torch; the interrogation of prisoners; assessments o...


Price: $225

File Title War Cabinet Joint Intelligence Sub-Committee Memoranda. March - May 1943. Papers Numbers. JIC 101-200. Volume XXIV Reference CAB 81/114 Date 1 March 1943 - 31 May 1943 Government Department Cabinet Office ; Description A volume of reports commissioned for the Joint Intelligence Sub-Committee (JIC). The JIC was formed of representatives from the intelligence services, the armed services, and the Foreign Office. Its purpose was to assess military, security, and foreign policy requirements and coordinate Britain’s intelligence organisations accordingly. A vast range of international and domestic issues are investigated and analysed in the JIC’s reports. Subjects covered in this file include British strategy in North Africa and the Mediterranean; the Axis withdrawal from Tunisia; the possibility of launching attacks on Italy from Sicily and the possibility of an Italian collapse; censorship of postal communications; J...


Price: $65

PREM 3 - Prime Minister's Office: Operational Correspondence and Papers; Subseries within PREM 3 - YUGOSLAVIA (I); Policy towards Gen Mikailovitch and Marshal Tito; Date: 1943 Oct.-Dec. Document Title 'C', Chief of the Secret Intelligence Service (SIS): Wireless Communications; Posts in South America Reference FO 1093/305 Document Date 24 February 1942 - 14 December 1942 Conflicts Second World War Themes Intelligence Organisation and Administration, Foreign Policy and International Relations Regions Atlantic, Europe, Latin America Countries Argentina, Chile, Costa Rica, England Document Type Correspondence, Memoranda, Directives Organisations Foreign Office, Permanent Under-Secretary's Department, Secret Intelligence Service People Frederick Hoyer Millar, Peter Loxley Keywords wireless communications, diplomatic missions, diplomatic signals, technology, personnel, secrecy, imports, transportation, leakage of information...


Price: $76

PREM 3 - Prime Minister's Office: Operational Correspondence and Papers Subseries within PREM 3 - YUGOSLAVIA (II); Reference: PREM 3/511/1 Description: Evidence against General Mikailovitch Date: 1943 Dec.-1944 Feb. Held by: The National Archives, Kew Legal status: Public Record(s) Closure status: Open Document, Open Description Access conditions: Closed Until 1999 Themes Intelligence Organisation and Administration, Military Intelligence and Operations, Intelligence Operations Keywords espionage, communism, Soviet agents, intelligence reports, informants, secret police, assassinations, propaganda, ideology, military organisation, Chinese army, mutiny, political intelligence, economic intelligence, economy, youth movements, industry, trade unions, security, secrecy...


Price: $176

WO 208 - War Office: Directorate of Military Operations and Intelligence, and Directorate of Military Intelligence; Ministry of Defence, Defence...;Subseries within WO 208 - YUGOSLAVIA;Reference: WO 208/2014 Description: Partisan operations; situation reports with maps Date: 1942 Feb. - 1943 Dec. Held by: The National Archives, Kew Legal status: Public Record(s) Closure status: Open Document, Open Description Conflicts Second World War Themes Intelligence Operations, Military Intelligence and Operations Regions Africa, Europe Countries Belgium, England, France, Germany, Italy Document Type Reports, Maps Organisations Chiefs of Staff, Joint Intelligence Sub-Committee People Victor Cavendish-Bentinck, Charles de Gaulle, Francis Inglis, Edward King-Salter, John Sinclair, Geoffrey Vickers Keywords anti-Nazi resistance, occupied France, military strength, armaments, equipment, Operation Overlord, morale, politics, military organisa...


Price: $165

WO 208 - War Office: Directorate of Military Operations and Intelligence, and Directorate of Military Intelligence; Ministry of Defence, Defence...; Subseries within WO 208 - YUGOSLAVIA; Reference: WO 208/2020 Description: Arrest and trial of General Mihailovic; submissions to the Chief of the Imperial General Staff Date: 1942 Dec. - 1946 Apr. Held by: The National Archives, Kew Legal status: Public Record(s) Closure status: Open Document, Open Description; Conflicts Second World War Themes Intelligence Organisation and Administration, Intelligence Operations Regions Africa, East Asia, Europe, Mediterranean, Middle East, North America, Pacific, South Asia; Organisations Chiefs of Staff, Foreign Office, Geheime Staatspolizei, Joint Intelligence Sub-Committee, Joint Planning Staff, Ministry of Defence, Ministry of Economic Warfare, Secret Intelligence Service, Security Service, South-East Asia Command, Special Operations Executive, P...


Price: $98

WO 208 - War Office: Directorate of Military Operations and Intelligence, and Directorate of Military Intelligence; Ministry of Defence, Defence...; Subseries within WO 208 - YUGOSLAVIA; Reference: WO 208/4362 Description: Partisan movement: reports and future policy Date: 1943 Feb-Nov Held by: The National Archives, Kew Legal status: Public Record(s) Closure status: Open Document, Open Description; Conflicts Second World War Themes Intelligence Organisation and Administration Regions Africa, Atlantic, East Asia, Europe, Latin America, Mediterranean, Middle East, North America, Pacific, South Asia Countries Afghanistan, Albania, Argentina, Australia, Austria, Azores, Belgium, Bolivia, Brazil, Bulgaria, Burma, Chile, China, Colombia, Cuba, Czechoslovakia, Denmark, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Egypt, Ethiopia, Finland, France, Germany, Gibraltar, Great Britain, Greece, Greenland, Guatemala, Haiti, Holland, Hungary, Iceland, India, I...


Price: $25

DEFE 3 - Admiralty: Operational Intelligence Centre: Intelligence from Intercepted German, Italian and Japanese Radio Communications, WWII Subseries within DEFE 3 - SIGNALS TO ALLIED COMMANDS CONVEYING SPECIAL INTELLIGENCE. CAIRO SERIES FROM MARCH 1941. (Continuation of ML Series) (35mm film);Reference: DEFE 3/872 Description: Intelligence from intercepted German, Italian and Japanese radio communications, WWII Note: Messages retained by the department under section 3(4): JP 551, 585, 603, 640, 645, 655, 673, 849, 971, 976 Date: 1943 Aug 10-15 Held by: The National Archives, Kew Former reference in its original department: JP 501-1000 Legal status: Public Record(s) Closure status: Open Document, Open Description Restrictions on use: 3 working days notice to produce;‚ Description A file of signals intelligence reports, messages, and correspondence issued by the Government Code and Cypher School and sent by the head ('C') of th...


Price: $24

DEFE 3 - Admiralty: Operational Intelligence Centre: Intelligence from Intercepted German, Italian and Japanese Radio Communications, WWII Subseries within DEFE 3 - SIGNALS TO ALLIED COMMANDS CONVEYING SPECIAL INTELLIGENCE. CAIRO SERIES FROM MARCH 1941. (Continuation of VM Series) (35mm film); Description A file of signals intelligence reports, messages, and correspondence issued by the Government Code and Cypher School and sent by the head ('C') of the Secret Intelligence Service (MI6) to the Prime Minister, Winston Churchill. This file includes the following reports: intelligence reports submitted by C (the head of MI6) to the Prime Minister; part of a daily supply of intelligence to the PM, mainly consisting of diplomatic decrypts (BJs, for the full series see HW 12) and Naval Headlines. Keywords naval intelligence, suicide attacks, Japanese navy, torpedo boats, aerial attacks on ships, convoys, diplomatic intelligence, colonial indep...


Price: $23

DEFE 3 - Admiralty: Operational Intelligence Centre: Intelligence from Intercepted German, Italian and Japanese Radio Communications, WWII Subseries within DEFE 3 - MAIN SERIES OF SIGNALS CONVEYING INTELLIGENCE TO ALLIED COMMANDS. BASED ON INTERCEPTED RADIO MESSAGES. CONTINUATION OF JP SERIES. CONTINUED AS KV...; Reference: DEFE 3/5 Description: Intelligence from intercepted German, Italian and Japanese radio communications, WWII Date: 1943 Nov 18-22 Held by: The National Archives, Kew Former reference in its original department: VL 1-250 Legal status: Public Record(s) Closure status: Open Document, Open Description; onflicts Second World War Themes Military Intelligence and Operations Regions Africa, Atlantic, East Asia, Europe, Mediterranean, Middle East, North America Countries Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Corsica, Czechoslovakia, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Great Britain, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Netherlands, Norway, Poland...


Price: $23

DEFE 3 - Admiralty: Operational Intelligence Centre: Intelligence from Intercepted German, Italian and Japanese Radio Communications, WWII Subseries within DEFE 3 - SIGNALS TO ALLIED COMMANDS CONVEYING SPECIAL INTELLIGENCE. CAIRO SERIES FROM MARCH 1941. (Continuation of ML Series) (35mm film);Reference: DEFE 3/872 Description: Intelligence from intercepted German, Italian and Japanese radio communications, WWII Note: Messages retained by the department under section 3(4): JP 551, 585, 603, 640, 645, 655, 673, 849, 971, 976 Date: 1943 Aug 10-15 Held by: The National Archives, Kew Former reference in its original department: JP 501-1000 Legal status: Public Record(s) Closure status: Open Document, Open Description Restrictions on use: 3 working days notice to produce;‚ Description A file of signals intelligence reports, messages, and correspondence issued by the Government Code and Cypher School and sent by the head ('C') of th...